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Friday, 23 November 2012


Well I'm nearly done on this months stuff

How many people are still participating in this? Been a bit quiet round here.....


  1. I am definitely still in, just had a rather manic month and I will be getting soem stuff online this week. Most of my month has gone on preparing for the Annual Bazaar that my church do but i have found time for hobby. A Forgefiend and another unit of plague marines will soon be emerging from the Ether to plague you all

  2. Fair enough!

    I've got the rest of the marines, the dragon, a rhino done.

    Need to do the Apostle this weekend

  3. I am also working on my own version of Typhus and will get some WIP pictures of him up! but he is technically part of my models for next month...

  4. ive been outta spraypaint so i may not get this months painting done but i reckon i can catch up!
